World Autism Awareness Day

Today is World Autism Awareness Day

Last week, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released their latest information on Autism rates in the United States.  One in 88 children are now being diagnosed with Autism.  It makes sense that Canada's rate of Autism would be similar.

Even for those of us who have been following autism trends for some while, these newest numbers are startling.  The numbers are increasing significantly.  Five years ago the rate was 1 in 150.    

Today, I will be attending World Autism Awareness Day on Parliament Hill.  This event is hosted by Mr. Bruce Stanton, M.P. and Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole, and Mr. Mike Lake, M.P., in collaboration with the Hon. Jim Munson, Senator, and Mr. Glenn Thibeault, M.P..  (Autism has no political affiliation.)   

Following Question Period, Ministers and Senators have been invited to meet with people with autism and those advocating on their behalf.  This will provide them with an opportunity to become more aware of the challenges these children and adults face on a daily basis.

I ask you to reach out too.  Be aware and, where the opportunity presents, please reach out to those with Autism and to their families.  

Thank you for your support.  Together we can make a difference!

Suzanne Jacobson

Published on April 2, 2013