QuickStart charity brings Santa to kids with autism


We are so happy to help children like Molly have an opportunity to successfully see Santa!  Thank you to Aedan Helmer/Ottawa Sun.


Molly MacDonald finally got to meet Santa Claus when she was 7 years old.

Mom Shannon first started noticing the signs when her daughter was around 2 -- she wasn't talking, noises would make her cry, and though Molly progressed well when referred to delayed speech therapy, "I knew there was more to it than delayed speech," Shannon said.

Finally diagnosed with a form of autism at age 4, Molly's family couldn't bear to bring her out to crowded shopping malls to wait in line to meet Santa, the busy shoppers hustling by, the bustling storefronts with Christmas music on the loudspeakers, kids impatiently clinging to their parents.

"It would always end in a meltdown," said Shannon.

"It's just too hectic, and standing in line is just too much for her. Usually when we're in public she's wearing headphones to block out all the background noise."

Last year, however, that all changed.

The MacDonald family, with Molly's older and younger brothers in tow, made their way down to the Hazeldean Mall to sit with Santa thanks to a grassroots program called Sensory Santa, offered to parents of kids on the autism spectrum at quiet times of the day, before stores open, and with no hassles of long lineups.

"It was the first time we got a Santa photo with all three kids," said Shannon.

"And Molly was so happy to be there. Santa was so engaged with her, and she was just in awe.

"And you just could see the looks on the other parents' faces," said Shannon, as about six families congregated, sharing the long-awaited family photos, comparing parenting notes, exchanging hugs.

"It was quite moving," said Shannon.

"Other families always put their Santa photos up on Facebook every Christmas and we never had one. But now we do, and we'll be going back again this year."

She'll be able to make that return visit thanks to the efforts of the crew behind Quick Start, a local charity that connects parents of autistic children and offers resources, information, and also advocates for early intervention.

Founder Suzanne Jacobson -- grandmother to two boys on the autism spectrum -- started the Sensory Santa program last holiday season, and returns this year thanks to an outpouring from the community.

"Ottawa really is such an incredibly generous community," said Jacobson, with Quick Start collecting all of its donations through its website, and through three annual fundraisers in the summer and fall.

Last year's program was so successful, at one location at the St. Laurent Shopping Centre, organizers booked one child every five minutes for the hour-long morning session with Santa.

(Volunteers will take names at busy locations, allowing families to come back at their scheduled time.)

"Some of the malls actually contacted us this year to say, 'How can we help?' That's very gratifying," said Jacobson.

"Last year we had a 16-year-old girl come, and her mother told me it's the first time she's ever been able to see Santa. And we get letters and emails from parents saying things like, 'Thanks, that made my son so happy, he can't wait for next year's visit.'"


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Published on December 1, 2015