Free Six-Week Online Course on Autism

Swinburne University has designed an online course to give families practical strategies to cope with a child with autism.

More than 10,000 participants have registered for a new, free online six-week course beginning in April, which has been designed by Swinburne University to provide practical help to families with a child on the autism spectrum. 

Autism spectrum disorder is a lifelong condition affecting about 1 per cent of children who typically have preoccupations, aversions, obsessions and difficulties with social interaction.  But, despite the disorder's frequency and the challenges it poses to parents, carers and teachers, much online information is about diagnosis and emotional support rather than practical help.

Now, a team at Swinburne University has stepped in to move away from "the theory of autism" to provide a free, practical online six-week course designed to give parents and carers strategies to help their child - and the family.

Lecturer in education Emma Donaldson, one of the course's designers, said it was clear "the autism community is in dire need of practical advice and support".

Swinburne's MOOC will be launched April 2 – World Autism Awareness Day – with an orientation week that will cover netiquette, e-safety, ethics and online navigation before the full six-week course begins April 13.

Published on March 12, 2015