5th Art for Autism raises $12,000!

Mrs. Maria Chumak had this great idea - why don't we have an art sale to raise funds for QuickStart - Early Intervention for Autism.

Her husband, Dr. Len Chumak, said he would sponsor the event and they offered to hold it in their own home!  Len & Maria's friends jumped on board and it's been a wonderful success story.

Artist's and art collectors have been incredibly generous in donating their artwork, from paintings to sculptures to jewelry.  And a big thanks to all those who stopped by!

We could see last year that the event had outgrown Len & Maria's home.  We were delighted to have Cardel Homes step up and offer their beautiful model homes to hold our Art for Autism.  Their team was great.

In total $55,000 has been raised!

Laura of Laura Snyder Photography stopped by and took photos for us and another thank you to Paul Rushforth for donating the use of his moving truck.

the crew

Our team:  Jennifer Mackintosh, Margo Borish, Katherine Jeans, Suzanne Jacobson, Margo Korneluk, Shannon MacDonald, Zornitsa Georgieva, Dr. Len Chumak and Mrs. Maria Chumak

afa invite

Artist Sara Chivot 

Published on May 31, 2017