When: 2017-12-03 12:00am - 2017-12-17 10:00am
For children on the autism spectrum.
Three Sensory Santa's are taking place on Sunday, November 26th, 2017.
The shopping malls listed below have kindly set aside a specific time just for children on the autism spectrum and their families to come and see Santa - at a quieter time and in a sensory friendly environment (music turned down, fewer people, etc).
This is our fourth year organizing Sensory Santa. A big THANK YOU to the following shopping centres: Carlingwood Shopping Mall, Place d'Orleans Shopping Centre, Hazeldean Mall, St. Laurent Shopping Centre, and Rideau Centre!
Please see below for the dates, places and times. Note: information may change so please check the website for the most up-to-date information.
No registratation is required.
Sunday 10th December, 2017
Hazeldean Mall, 10am to 11am
Flash drive with photos can be purchased at half price. $12.50 plus tax
Sunday 17th December, 2017
Hazeldean Mall, 10am to 11am
Flash drive with photos can be purchased at half price. $12.50 plus tax
To see the CBC video about Sensory Santa click here. For the Ottawa Citizen article with photos click here
We operate solely on donations & fundraisers - please click here if you'd like to donate today.
Questions? email info@quickstartautism.ca