
the information contained on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not an endorsement of a particular treatment, agency, service or specific professional. consumers should carefully examine the services and qualifications of the agencies or service providers and therapists prior to making a decision to hire them.

On our Resources page under Private Psychologists & Therapists you will find Private:

  • Speech Language Pathologists
  • Psychologists who do diagnostic assessments for autism
  • OHIP Pediatricians who can do diagnostic assessments (Doctor's referral required)
  • Behaviour Consultants
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Physio Therapists
  • Sensory Integration, Education Consultants, Education Advocacy

Under Therapies you will find a list therapies with Private Agencies that offer those therapies. Parents will need to do their research to determine which program will best meet their child's needs. Would you like the therapy to take place in your home or would you like it centre-based? Do you want a child-directed, play-based program? How many hours a week is the right amount for your child and how many hours will fit within your family budget. 

Intensive therapy is done in person (not remotely) and needs to be a minimum of 7 hours a week to be intensive. 

  • ABA
  • Early Start Denver Model (for toddlers)
  • RDI
  • VBI

We include information on Biomedical, Sensory Integration, Art & Music Therapy and Therapeutic Horseback Riding. There are also resources for Sports, Play groups, School, and Support Groups.