OAP Caregiver-Mediated Early Years Programs (CMEY)

OAP Caregiver-mediateD early year programs (CMEY)

Good news! Parents can now access SIX Caregiver-mediated Early Years (CMEY) programs (parent/caregiver coaching programs) through the Ontario Autism Program (OAP), at no cost to the family!

These programs are for parents/caregivers who have a child between the ages of 12 to 48 months and who have an OAP number for their child.

How to register for an OAP number: Registration for the OAP is now through AccessOAP.

Once you have your child's OAP number, you can register for a Caregiver-mediated Early Years Program (CMEY). We are pleased to share that QuickStart Early Years (an associated company) is offering one of the CMEY programs. The program offered is the ESI/SCERTS QuickStart™ Autism Navigator® program for very young children, age 12 to 36 months. Learn more about QuickStart Early Years' program by clicking here.

As many of you know, we have been advocating for early intervention for many years now. It’s why our charity began!

How QuickStart Early Years Started

In December 2020, there was a request for applications from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) to apply to deliver their new Caregiver Mediated Early Years programs. These are parent coaching programs young children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder) just like we’ve been doing for the past 9 years.
With our long relationship with Emerging Minds, it made complete sense for our team (Robin Gaines, Yolanda Korneluk, Veronique Chiasson, and Suzanne Jacobson) to apply and we were accepted!
Our new associated company QuickStart Early Years is now offering the ESI/SCERTS (QuickStart™ Autism Navigator®) through the Ontario Autism Program, one of the six programs offered to families who have a child with a diagnosis of Autism and who reside in Ontario. The programs are offered at No Cost to the families. 
We are super excited that so many more children will be helped!

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